1. I am most proud of the fact that I was able to confidently present in front of the class, with very few, if any hitches, because it just showed to me how far I've come, and how confident I was with the knowledge and research this project equipped me with.
3. What worked for me was the required activities, such as interviews and presentations help lead my project in a great direction, as well as leading what I should be learning about my project which contributes to a completely rounded picture.
4. I might have utilized the room a bit more, or went over my PowerPoint one last time so I would keep from awkward sentences, or wrong things being said for the next slide. I'd definitely get more time with my mentor also.
5. This senior project has basically crafted my future endeavors, solidifying what I want to do, and giving me both the knowledge, and the resources to pursue it. I am so glad I went to this school, and stood around for this long, or I never would have realized the career path that I now so dearly love.
What is the Best way to help a Basic/Below Basic Middle School student retain knowledge in a history class?
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Senior Project Reflection
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Log- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuUDimZjGfNEdE9NQnVvUElMaE10NzY3d3pMTFE4T3c#gid=0
Sean Leahy- I only have the schools number, and I would just use their system to redirect me. I can put that if you want, or see if I could find his number.
Patti Abalo- 6268906704
EJ Gautrau- 9099734158
The most important thing I learned from this experience was how to properly, or effectively help students learn in a classroom, which I believe is definitely the foundational knowledge in creating lesson plans, and teaching students.
This obviously directly linked up with my EQ, because it answered my question directly, I just happen to believe it is the most important thing I learned.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Exit Interview Questions
2) It really all happened when I was observing my mentor's classroom, it was just so apparent that those activities were keeping them engaged, they were learning, even the special needs students. This was all backed up further when I did my science experiment, using group work/an activity VS. Solo Work/lecture, the test scores of the activity children were around 6% better, verses the kids who were lectured and then given a work sheet. To me, that, and other research online, helped to nail in that answer.
3) The only problem I faced was finding substantial research to back up that answer, or reliable research at that. I really ended up asking for help, or having it given to me, like Mr. Purther noticing my lack of variety in my sources, and he provided a great site with in depth research. It took that, and just a bit of perseverance to get much of value.
4) My most significant sources were the Buck Institute of Education for its in depth, backed up information, two of my mentors, Mrs. Patty Abalo, and Mr. E.J Gaetrau, for their knowledge of the field, and plethora of information they provided in interviews on how they've observed there students work, and what is most effective.
5)My product is the development of my ability to comfortably speak in front of large groups of people individually, something that if you view my Freshman year Greek Figures video, or even ask the junior teachers about my solo speaking ability, you'd see it was definitely lacking. Thanks to my experience due to mentorship, and the continual mini presentations in school, I've gained that confidence to comfortably, and calmly, present what is needed.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Creating Historic Art
Now you see, It's not the weird girl that caught my attention, but the shirt she wore. I think it's Bill Murray, but i' m not too sure. Anywho, i quite liked the design, and thought that I could do better. I wanted to make shirts for forever now, this would be the perfect time to create shirts, while incorporating history. That's how I began creating what I call "The Cornerstone Collection." People who's intelligence and brilliance helped make America what it is today. From Cornelius Vanderbilt, to Einstein, to JP Morgan and Rockefeller. I began to create few, of what I hope will be many, that someday I'd be proud to wear. Here are the first fruits of my labor.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
2014 Interview
1. Who did you interview and what house are they in?
Alejandro Espinoza from West House.
2. What ideas do you have for your senior project and why?
He was interested in Airplane Restoration, because he thinks it's interesting, he's seen TV Shows, and is very interested in working with older objects. Electrical engineering also, for the fact that he likes taking things apart, and making new things out of said electronics. Architecture, because he likes building things, and is really good with measurements. Accounting also, for the fact that he likes to handle money, and help others handle their money.
3. What do you plan to do for your summer 10 hour mentor ship experience?
If he plans on going into Airplane restoration, he would work at the planes of fame museum, working on some of their planes in chino. If accounting turns out to be his thing, he has a family friend who works in accounting, who would be willing to help him out.
4. What do you hope to see or expect to see in watching the 2013 2-hour presentations?
He hopes to see something new, something he hasn't seen before, and the many different choices seniors made for their projects.
5. What questions do you have that I can answer about senior year or senior project (or what additional information did you tell them about senior year or senior project)?
He wanted to know about model assembly, and how hard that was, and I simply told him its not too difficult, with the exception of curveball speeches which are assigned to be due the very next morning. Aside from that, model assembly isn't too terribly difficult.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Independent Component 2
A) I, Jacob Ruiz, affirm that I completed my Independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
B) Miriam Tennant.
C) To Follow Soon, waiting to get spreadsheet from museum.
D) Basically, this independent component, I worked at the museum again. Instead of busy work and other random assignments, I worked mainly on main events, especially the Art Unveiling, where I prepared a little history on each photo of West Covina dating back from the early 1900's to the 70's. I also helped to get the event ready, only to find out I was unable to attend. All of this along with standard music work, and the occasional tour of the museum made up my independent component.
This really helps to bring people in and make them interested, something that teachers really want. They want their students to take an interest. Just researching the history alone on each of these 20 photos and their subject matters, such as Lark Ellen, and our First Mayor, help report writing skills, research skills, and the skill to relate all of this broken down to others in an understandable, and simple way. I have photos on the Museum camera, they will follow soon also, considering it is not my camera.
This helped to answer my EQ in showing how to teach people in a way that kept them interested, and helped them understand. Something that Checking for Understanding, and Engaging Activities help in. The event itself, was an engaging activity to help the community learn a bit more about their cites past, and even the people who come into the museum, it is essentially, a big, engaging activity. Something to capture their attention, and ensure they are learning more than they could in a book.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Three Column Chart First Draft
EQ What is the best way to help basic/ below basic
Middle School students retain knowledge in a history class.
A lack of activities does not keep them engaged.
than the lesson, there is nothing to keep their attention.
Buck Institute of Education (BIE)
Students need activities or else their engagement
will decrease.
3)Students attention spans (average), have decreased a
few seconds in the last ten years.
3) Common Sense Media ( An actual organization)
Answer 1: Incorporate engaging activities into
lesson plans.
the years, students have had a harder time paying attention, so this and
visual learning to help them retain knowledge.
Sense Media, BIE
Students can be more productive with other
5)Students can run ideas off each other and come up with
better solutions to problems.
You can have simple individual work, but it can
only compliment Collaborative work.
much of one or the other can hinder progress, and thus must be in unison.
Answer 2: A balance of Collaborative and Individual
7)You simply can’t have just one or the other, without
hindering their full potential academically.
7) BIE
Students don’t always understand everything they’re
8)Not all knowledge takes one path,
it may need to be explained or learned another way.
Answer 3: Checking for understanding in the
9)Just ensuring
they’re learning what is needed will keep them on the path to retaining
The best way to help a basic/below basic middle
school student retain knowledge in a history class to incorporate engaging
activities into the lesson plan.
Engaging activities, balance of collaborative and individual work, and
checking for understanding are ways to retain knowledge in a MS history
The best way for a basic/below basic middle school student to retain
knowledge is to incorporate engaging activities into the lesson plan to
accommodate their short attention spans.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Senior Project and ESLRs
2. I believe I have excelled in this ESLR for the reason that, since I work at a museum, hand in hand with the fact I work with a History teacher, I would be caught up on current events and world history. Which I am, through research and lessons.
3. I don't know what really to provide as evidence, since I'm usually working and cannot take photos, so I just thought this photo of me with Ben Franklin at the fair would work. Well, here you go.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
2 Hour Meeting Answer 3
1. What is the best way to help a basic/ below basic students retain knowledge in a middle school history class?2. What is your third answer to your essential question (write your third answer in a complete sentence)?
2.My third answer for my EQ is Checking for Understanding.
3. What are three details to support or justify your third answer (details are examples or facts)?
3.-You need to ensure students are learning what they need to.
- Checking for understanding helps to see what level the students are on, and thus better teach them.
4. What source helped you prove this answer is justified for your essential question?
4. The Buck Institute of Education, and my Mentor EJ Gauetrau.
5. What do you plan to study next and why?
5. I Plan to next study creative methods to incorporate Collaborative work?
Engaging Activities, Integration of Collaborative Work.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Fourth Interview Questions
1. What is the best way to help basic/below basic students retain knowledge in a middle school history class?
2. What are some of the biggest obstacles for helping below basic students learn in a class?
3. Is there a major difference in those obstacles between Below basic, and basic students?
4. What are some possible reasons why these students are below basic?
5. What are some possible reasons why these students may not retain knowledge in a class?
6.when teaching a class, what obstacles do the students themselves provide?
7. What is usually your next course of action if a student just isnt learning?
8. Do you usually seek the below basic out to help them, or do they seek you out?
9. What is the hardest thing for you to do, that helps the students?
10. How do you think teaching other subjects to below basic students differ?
11. Do you believe History is one of the easier, or harder subjects for below basic students to learn In?
12. Do you also think time is a factor? Depending on what time of the day you have each class, such as after lunch, or first thing in the morning.
13. Why do you think Group work helps below basic students learn more than basic students?
14. If you could change anything in your class that you can't change now to help your students, what would you?
15. During a time of tragedy for a student, how do you deal with them if their grades falter, or how would you?
16. Could incentives such as candy or rewards possiblly help?
17. Does following up with students help in any way?
18. What methods do students themselves take to help themselves retain knowledge?
19. Other than that, are there any other methods you advise them to take?
20. What do you think the least effective way is to help below basic/ basic students retain knowledge in a history class?
Friday, February 8, 2013
If a basic below basic student does project based work in favor of independent book work, they will retain more knowledge.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Blog 16 2 Hour Meeting Answer # 2
1. What is the Best way to help a Basic/Below Basic Middle School student retain knowledge in a history class?
2. My Second answer for my EQ is a balance of group and individual work.
3. 1- A constant flow of Individual work will lose the students attention, and although they will focus, they will not seek peer consultation on questions. Thus cutting off possible, if maybe correct answers. Only having one mind to work with.
5. I plan to continue to study my answer 2 by pursuing Child Psychology literature? Child Development books? I don't know.
Monday, February 4, 2013
Independent Component/ A cool thing happened at the museum
First, Former Mayor of West Covina Mike Miller came in at the start of the day, and began identifying photos he had donated a few weeks ago, naming people who we had no idea who they were, in an album that had photos from when he worked on the Little Rascals (1999), and The Flintstones (2000), Rose Parade Floats.
After he had left, we had a woman who just so happened to make the first donation in 1999, to the museum, come in and make a donation. She was a former member of the Southern California Historical Society, and Donated a Map of California, dated 1854, two reports on a politician, and three books about the history of southern California, and one about the History of the Historical Society of Southern California.
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Me Cataloging The Donations |