Monday, February 4, 2013

Independent Component/ A cool thing happened at the museum

Last Saturday, the Museum received a pretty interesting box donation, as well as a visit from a friend of the museum who we always enjoy seeing.
First, Former Mayor of West Covina Mike Miller came in at the start of the day, and began identifying photos he had donated a few weeks ago, naming people who we had no idea who they were, in an album that had photos from when he worked on the Little Rascals (1999), and The Flintstones (2000), Rose Parade Floats.

After he had left, we had a woman who just so happened to make the first donation in 1999, to the museum, come in and make a donation. She was a former member of the Southern California Historical Society, and Donated a Map of California, dated 1854, two reports on a politician, and three books about the history of southern California, and one about the History of the Historical Society of Southern California.
Me Cataloging The Donations 

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