What is the Best way to help a Basic/Below Basic Middle School student retain knowledge in a history class?
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
2 Hour Meeting Answer 3
1. What is the best way to help a basic/ below basic students retain knowledge in a middle school history class?2. What is your third answer to your essential question (write your third answer in a complete sentence)?
2.My third answer for my EQ is Checking for Understanding.
3. What are three details to support or justify your third answer (details are examples or facts)?
3.-You need to ensure students are learning what they need to.
- Checking for understanding helps to see what level the students are on, and thus better teach them.
4. What source helped you prove this answer is justified for your essential question?
4. The Buck Institute of Education, and my Mentor EJ Gauetrau.
5. What do you plan to study next and why?
5. I Plan to next study creative methods to incorporate Collaborative work?
Engaging Activities, Integration of Collaborative Work.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Fourth Interview Questions
1. What is the best way to help basic/below basic students retain knowledge in a middle school history class?
2. What are some of the biggest obstacles for helping below basic students learn in a class?
3. Is there a major difference in those obstacles between Below basic, and basic students?
4. What are some possible reasons why these students are below basic?
5. What are some possible reasons why these students may not retain knowledge in a class?
6.when teaching a class, what obstacles do the students themselves provide?
7. What is usually your next course of action if a student just isnt learning?
8. Do you usually seek the below basic out to help them, or do they seek you out?
9. What is the hardest thing for you to do, that helps the students?
10. How do you think teaching other subjects to below basic students differ?
11. Do you believe History is one of the easier, or harder subjects for below basic students to learn In?
12. Do you also think time is a factor? Depending on what time of the day you have each class, such as after lunch, or first thing in the morning.
13. Why do you think Group work helps below basic students learn more than basic students?
14. If you could change anything in your class that you can't change now to help your students, what would you?
15. During a time of tragedy for a student, how do you deal with them if their grades falter, or how would you?
16. Could incentives such as candy or rewards possiblly help?
17. Does following up with students help in any way?
18. What methods do students themselves take to help themselves retain knowledge?
19. Other than that, are there any other methods you advise them to take?
20. What do you think the least effective way is to help below basic/ basic students retain knowledge in a history class?
Friday, February 8, 2013
If a basic below basic student does project based work in favor of independent book work, they will retain more knowledge.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Blog 16 2 Hour Meeting Answer # 2
1. What is the Best way to help a Basic/Below Basic Middle School student retain knowledge in a history class?
2. My Second answer for my EQ is a balance of group and individual work.
3. 1- A constant flow of Individual work will lose the students attention, and although they will focus, they will not seek peer consultation on questions. Thus cutting off possible, if maybe correct answers. Only having one mind to work with.
5. I plan to continue to study my answer 2 by pursuing Child Psychology literature? Child Development books? I don't know.
Monday, February 4, 2013
Independent Component/ A cool thing happened at the museum
First, Former Mayor of West Covina Mike Miller came in at the start of the day, and began identifying photos he had donated a few weeks ago, naming people who we had no idea who they were, in an album that had photos from when he worked on the Little Rascals (1999), and The Flintstones (2000), Rose Parade Floats.
After he had left, we had a woman who just so happened to make the first donation in 1999, to the museum, come in and make a donation. She was a former member of the Southern California Historical Society, and Donated a Map of California, dated 1854, two reports on a politician, and three books about the history of southern California, and one about the History of the Historical Society of Southern California.
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Me Cataloging The Donations |

Independent Component 2 Plan Approval
1) I plan to continue doing service hours with my mentor.
2) I'll be there a lot, so it'll reach 30 hours before the end of the time given.
3) Continuing hours at the school will help me to continue observing what he does to keep these children's attentions, and what he does to ensure they learn.
Friday, February 1, 2013
Independent Component 1
a)I, Jacob Ruiz affirm that I completed my independent component, which represents 30 hours of work.<br>
B) Miriam Tennant, and Mary Ellsworth helped me to complete my independent component, giving me my museum volunteer job, and helping me to become an effective docent.<br>
C) the museum has a log, which I will get tomorow to add to my spreadsheet.<br>
D) What I did mostly was file and record donations of various old and historical items donated from residents, and even past City mayors.
I do not have photos, but Mrs. Tennnant does. And my museum work does represent 30 hours, because I actually was there for that time. We have logs. And photos.
This component helped me to get a base knowledge of how to teach people, and how to deal with them when they ask questions. Pretty much any time somebody comes in, like this older Vietnam veteran, he was a rough customer, and that experience, which wasn't great, helped me to build up a tolerance, and just help improve my skills.